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Motion Designer

Lead Video Editor

Product Page Design


Mobile App Animation

SNKRS Mobile App Preview

Description: Nike App,, and SNRKS app store marketing asset creation. Used motion design and video to help inform product team for timing, flow, and user experience of these services. Assets are seasonally updated with latest content and fine tuning animations in order to experiment with new feature roll out. Product and on-models videography are produced at scale and edited in-house.


Motion Designer: Created 2021 App Store Trailers for iOS and Android mobile app. Animated icons, page transitions, and unique features for high profile SNKRS product releases. Worked with source UI/UX files and prototyping animations to match in-app experience. Optimized workflow to successfully localize across 17 languages.

Lead Video Editor: Oversaw freelance editors to output videos at scale for over 400 unique products each season, and totaling up to 1000 total deliverables. 

Motion Board Examples

Countdown Page

Membership Home Page

Polling Feature

Android Play Store Versioning

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