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Product Sizzle & Performance Marketing
Role: Producer / Motion Designer / Editor

Description: Airtime is a live social platform to connect through video/audio/chat and build a community or group around shared interests.

Objective: Launching growth ads that are paid promoted on TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram to increase onboarding and app installs.

KPI: Over 250 Unique Deliverables across 5 months of testing (May '21 - Oct '21)
Product Sizzle Reel
Examples of Top Performing Ads 
Key Performance Indicators: 
- Campaign Ad Set Drove over 353 installs in first week of running ads
- From app installs, D1 (Day 1) Retention Rate was 40%
- Average onboarding increased by +70%

Data provided by Looker
Typographic Growth Ad for Website Launch
Key Performance Indicators: 
- Community Focused Campaign with UGC
- UGC Campaign Ad set drove over 283 installs in week 1
- From app installs, D1 (Day 1) Retention Rate was 40%
- Average onboarding increased by +162%

*"Your Live Community" ad, had a top performing indicator of 60% click through rate

Data provided by Looker
Top Performing Performance Ad*
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